Andrew Theken Asked: 2014-01-13 13:47:10 +0800 CST2014-01-13 13:47:10 +0800 CST 2014-01-13 13:47:10 +0800 CST Is it possible to replicate the _users database in CouchDB? 772 Is it possible to configure replication between the "_users" database on two instances of CouchDB? (currently using 1.4) replication 1 Answers Voted Andrew Theken 2014-01-13T16:51:44+08:002014-01-13T16:51:44+08:00 Yes, you can replicate the _users database in Couch, in this respect, it's no different than any other database.
Yes, you can replicate the _users database in Couch, in this respect, it's no different than any other database.