I set up a CentOS6-XEN4-Server according to these instructions.
Now I want to set up bridges - first manually:
brctl addbr test
- but this fails with:
"add Bridge failed: Package not installed"
Googling about that I tried to manually modprobe bridge
which triggers an error that is caused-according to dmesg
bridge: Unknown symbol ipv6_dev_get_saddr (err 0)
modinfo bridge
reveals that the bridge-modules depends on stp,llc and ipv6.
Great. I do not want IPv6, I do not need IPv6 and have blacklisted IPv6.
Is there any way to get
running without enabling IPv6?Why is that depency there at all?
Update 2014-05-14
I found this to be a general CentOS 6/RH 6 problem. It also applies to the bonding module.
The accepted answer describes the root-cause - so this problem will also arise on comparable kernel-versions and is not restricted to CentOS/RedHat/Scentific Linux 6.
it has been discussed on the kernel ML and the conclusion was that users shouldn't disable ipv6 anymore.
quoted from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=685053
The workaround for this situation is to not blacklist the ipv6 module, but rather set its disable_ipv6 module option. That way the code gets loaded, but no ipv6 functionality is registered with the kernel so user space can't accesses it.
Update 2014-05-14:
The correct workaround seems to be:
create /etc/modprobe.d/ipv6.conf with the following content:
options ipv6 disable_ipv6=1