Amazon AWS seems to provide two methods of launching an instance of Ubuntu 12.04 that confuse me,
- one of them is the Software Marketplace
- the other method is by launching an AMI on the Ubuntu website
All of these comparisons are 12.04 LTS, Micro, w/ amd64 architecture
With the Software Marketplace, I see these AMI ids for a Micro Instance:
Region ID
US East (Virginia) ami-967edcff
US West (Oregon) ami-c6cc43f6
US West (Northern California) ami-997356dc
EU West (Ireland) ami-e7b6b393
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ami-5e01400c
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ami-c83c8fc9
South America (Sao Paulo) ami-ea3ce2f7
However, with the Ubuntu Website I see,
us-east-1 ami-83dee0ea aki-88aa75e1
eu-west-1 ami-aa56a1dd aki-71665e05
ap-southeast-1 ami-bc7325ee aki-fe1354ac
us-west-1 ami-c45f6281 aki-f77e26b2
us-west-2 ami-d0d8b8e0 aki-fc37bacc
sa-east-1 ami-d55bfbc8 aki-c48f51d9
ap-southeast-2 ami-e577e9df aki-31990e0b
ap-northeast-1 ami-f72e45f6 aki-44992845
What is the difference say between ami-83dee0ea
(from Ubuntu Website), and ami-967edcff
(from the AWS Software Marketplace).
I can't point on the exact difference but the AMIs have different owners (or maintainer). So it is possible that there are not all packages up-to-date on any image...
I assume the AMIs on the ubuntu page are maintained directly by Canonical and the others possibly by Amazon.
Most of the time you can choose whatever way you want. I prefer using the EC2 web console and so using the AMIs which are in the marketplace.
Hope that helps.