Trying to run a script to clean exchange databases. When i run the clean-mailboxdatabase cmd-let I'm getting the following error:
Exchange is unable to clean the database that you specified...Unable to sync mailboxes with DS.
This is through my network account [elevated privileges in exchange] and with a script that had a SVC account with Exchange Organization Admin rights.
Are you sure about the permissions? Maybe you can try this one step by step?
In Exchange Server 2003, the database cleanup agent can be run by any regular Exchange Full Administrator. This behavior is changed in Exchange Server 2007. When you run the clean-mailboxdatabase cmdlet in Exchange Server 2007, you must have Organization Administrator permissions. This is true unless you have granted the account or the group in question the minimum permissions set, as described in the "Resolution" section.
To resolve this issue, use the Exchange Management Shell to add the minimum permissions set. To do this, follow these steps:
To make these commands work, you must also use the Exchange Management Console (EMC) to make your account or group the Exchange Server administrator on the server. To do this, follow these steps:
Note To fully administer the Exchange server, manually add the user or group to the built-in local administrator’s group on the server.