How do I know what the Amazon DHCP server range for dynamic IP allocation is inside of my VPC? For example, I have a network and I'd like to allocate a private permanent IP - which range I should choose to avoid collision with the DHCP range?
PS: I use Linux network aliases for adding a second static IP to eth0 (1st "Manage Private IP Adresses" on EC2 console and 2nd - adding appropriate alias config to Linux)
In a VPC, Amazon's IP range for your server is whatever you tell them to use in the subnet you've put the server in. They reserve a few addresses (I think three) for their own use for DNS and routing and so on, but they'll use the whole of the rest of the subnet range. If you want to use a static address, assign it to the instance (or network interface) when you create it, and it then won't be assigned as a dynamic address.