I want to change the MySQL DB password on the master db. My question is: do we have to care for the slave DB when changing the master database password?
I want to change the MySQL DB password on the master db. My question is: do we have to care for the slave DB when changing the master database password?
From the docs
it really DEPENDS. :)
according to the doc
for our instance, mysql 5.5 will automatically CREATE / DROP USER xxx@'xxx' on the slave even we are not doing replication of the mysql system database.
it depends whether or not you are slaving the "mysql" database, the internal mysql db where all user permissions are kept. if the replication user has been given access to "*.*", then all the tables in "mysql.*" should replicate over, including "mysql.user", where passwords are stored.
when changes to this tables are made, a "flush privileges" should be executed, so it may be necessary to run this on the slaves? i always specify specific db's for replication, so i have not tested this.