I have created a Java Application that uses SWT 3.6 and now I want to use the browser widget on a 64bit Debian 6.0 system while using a 32bit Java JRE and the 32 bit SWT/GTK libraries.
I didn't feel this is a real programming question because I believe the server configuration part is the hard thing. If someone should guide me which libraries I have to install/configure to make this running it would be great.
I already installed 32bit GTK
apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk
and firefox
wget 'http://download.mozilla.org/?lang=de&product=firefox-18.0.1&os=linux'
mv index.html\?lang\=de\&product\=firefox-18.0.1\&os\=linux firefox-18.0.1.tar.bz2
tar xfvj firefox-18.0.1.tar.bz2
mv firefox /usr/local/
ln -s /usr/local/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox
but still no luck.
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