I would configure a 4-nodes cluster using RHEL 6.5 and Pacemaker as reported in the official documentation https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html-single/Configuring_the_Red_Hat_High_Availability_Add-On_with_Pacemaker/index.html
The four nodes are splitted on two datacenter, two server in a datacenter and two server in the other.
I want configure a set of KVM virtual machine in HA on this cluster.
The server are connected to a SAN with shared storage between the two datacenter.
The fencing method used for the server is HP iLO(they are HP server).
How can I configure the cluster in order to obtain the quorum between the nodes during a split brain (no network communication between the two datacenter)? Do you have any suggestion or link about a possibile configuration?
I didn't found any reference in the official documentation of redhat related to quorum disk o "Multi-site clusters using ticket" feature of Pacemaker and I can't use two-node cluster configuration because I have 4 nodes in my cluster.
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