Desktop IP:
Server IP:
Local Core Switch:
Remote Core Switch:
Remote Server vLAN (sits in core switch):
Remote Server:
- I can ping and tracert from my local core switch to the remote server and remote server vlan.
- I cannot ping or tracert from my desktop to the remote server or remote server vlan.
- I can ping from my desktop to the remote core switch.
- I can ping and tracert from my server to the remote core switch and remote server.
- A tracert from my desktop to the remote server shows the hop dies at the remote core switch.
- A tracert from my server to the remote server shows it routes properly.
- A tracert from my local core switch to the remote server shows it routes properly.
I tested this from another system on the same vlan as my desktop and found I am unable to ping or tracert from the desktop's vlan; this is weird, since I can tracert all the way up to the remote core switch.
Does this mean the issue is on the remote end? or is this an issue on the local end?
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