I need to migrate production environment from EC2-Classic to VPC. For now I have one Elastic LB with a few EC2 instances behind it. My plan is:
- create a new LB balancer and add VPC instance
- create 2 Route53 records using Weighted Round Robin (http://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2011/05/24/amazon-route53-elb-integration-wrr-ga/), which will point, for instance 90% traffic to the old LB and 10% to new
- if everything going well, we can add more instances to VPC and change Route53 weights
- at the end we'll leave just one DNS record and shutdown old LB
Will it work? Is there better method?
TIA, Vitaly
Yeah that should work (and is the way you should do it in the cloud). Just copy the whole infrastructure and then shift over the traffic to the new one and control the metrics of both infrastructures.