... in vCloud. There's a script here to do it for vSphere. Can a similar (or entirely different, I don't care!) approach be used for vCloud?
(The underlying problem is a lot of seldom or never used VMs consuming resources on our vCloud. We'd like to find the barely-used ones and work with the creators to remove them).
A couple of quick things...
vCloud Director uses vSphere. If there's someone with vCenter access, they can probably run the PowerCLI snippet you linked.
Also, if this is an environment with vCenter Chargeback installed, you can grab some stats from there.
And finally, if you have an option for vCenter Operations Manager, it's handy to be able to glance at the Reclaimable Waste dashboard. Idle and Powered Off VMs are what you'd be looking for.
Where Idle Virtual Machines are defined as:
Time idle: 90 % Detection based on all of the following thresholds: