Is it possible to establish RDP shadow session in Win 8.1 Pro VM on Win 8.1 Pro Host?
I can RDP into the VM from an external client (credentials saved):
mstsc.exe /v:68.560.92.1
In the VM I get the session Id using query session
yielding rdp-tcp#20
Then on another external client I do
mstsc.exe /v:68.560.92.1 /shadow:rdp-tcp#20 Result: "This computer name is invalid"
mstsc.exe /v:68.560.92.1 /shadow:20 Result: "This computer name is invalid"
mstsc.exe /v:68.560.92.1 Result: Success, but kicks off other client
Some things I've done:
disabled entire firewall on VM (for testing)
Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/TerminalServer/AllowRemoteRDC to 1
Enabled File and Printer sharing on VM
Is this specifically not available without Win Server or full VDI deployment?
No, it is not possible. Even if you found a "hack" solution that allowed for it, that would be violating Microsoft's EULA. What you are trying to do (shadow an RDP session) is only possible on a server OS and this is very much by design. Sorry.