I have setup a Ubuntu server(xxx.222.4.216) for our Redmine tool and recently we got a IP conflict in the machine and now im unable to get back the IP(xxx.222.4.216). I would like to know if there is any possibility to forcefully down the IP from the LAN and get back the same.I will do the MAC binding once i get the IP address back.
So far i did the arp-a to get the physical address and the vendor look up too.Ethernet card is Asustek.I also tried to mstsc to the host and negotiation went through as well.So im pretty much certain that the remote host is a Windows7 based PC only.
Please let me know if there is any possibility to get the IP address back forcefully?
I guess you can use dhcp reservation so that for this machine's mac address the ip xxx.222.4.216 can be saved.
This also might be helpful for you..