I'm running into an issue, I'm attempting to add users with the following ldif;
dn: mail=jsmith,ou=customers,dc=mydeqcust,dc=org
cn: John Smith
sn: Smith
uid: jsmith
mail: [email protected]
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
mail: jsmith
it adds fine, however when I look at the record, I see that it only has the attributes from inetOrgPerson, not orginzationalperson or person, even though I verified in the slapd.d schema's that they are properly inheriting. If I add the additional objectClass for each one it works fine.
My understanding was that openldap would automatically go through the hierarchy and add the additional classes. I'm running
root@LNX-mydeq-dev-ldap-02 tmp]# slapd -V
@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.39 (Aug 16 2014 20:41:55) $
I don't exactly get what's the problem – the inheritance is implicitly handled, you don't need to enumerate any of the classes that were pulled by inetOrgPerson.