I think there's a bug in the way that DSC chooses the certificate file that is used for credential encryption, such as with the Service resource and a PSCredential.
The DSC configuration uses the wrong CertificateFile from the AllNodes collection if a node name is contained in a subsequent node name (the node order is significant). This means that the encrypted value sent to the node may be wrong.
Here's a repro including two tests. Both tests should fail but the first succeeds (with the wrong certificate):
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
$serviceCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $password)
$currentPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$thisShouldNotWork = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "web1"
CertificateFile = "nonexistentfile"
NodeName = "customerweb1"
CertificateFile = "$currentPath\mycert.cer"
$thisDoesNotWork = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "web1"
CertificateFile = "nonexistentfile"
NodeName = "customerweXb1"
CertificateFile = "$currentPath\mycert.cer"
Configuration DscWebServer
Node $AllNodes.NodeName
Service "Service Started"
Name = "MyService"
State = "Running"
Credential = $serviceCredential
Write-Host "Test 1" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor White
DscWebServer -OutputPath .\DSC -ConfigurationData $thisShouldNotWork
Write-Host "Test 2" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor White
DscWebServer -OutputPath .\DSC -ConfigurationData $thisDoesNotWork
I've reported this on Connect but wanted to raise it here in case it's helpful or there's something unusual about what I've done. Can anyone explain this behaviour?
UPDATE: Microsoft confirmed this as a bug and fixed it in May 2015. I got this feedback: "This issue has been fixed in WMF5 April Preview. Please let us know if you disagree :)"
This is interesting. Can you confirm what the output is of each test? Does Test 2 actually throw an exception?
I wouldn't say there's something unusual about what you've done, since DSC was designed to handle multiple nodes that way, but there are still only a small number of people using DSC, and an even smaller number using secure credentials.
Additionally, I think a lot of us have been using a single config for each node, which would prevent one from running into this behavior.
That is of course a viable workaround for you as well, but would require changes to your workflow.
To use your existing configuration data, you could work around the issue like this:
I'm going to try to reproduce this tomorrow if possible so that I can add my vote and repro description to the report on connect.