Michael Asked: 2015-03-31 02:26:18 +0800 CST2015-03-31 02:26:18 +0800 CST 2015-03-31 02:26:18 +0800 CST Migrate OTRS database from PostgreSQL to MySQL 772 OTRS supports PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1 for my OTRS 3.2 but I want to migrate to MySQL 5.5. Is this possible? How? mysql 1 Answers Voted Michael 2015-03-31T05:30:51+08:002015-03-31T05:30:51+08:00 OK, after more research I found this question. So this is what I did: The Server is a Debian 7 server. I connected from Windows 7. Installed ODBC PostreSQL driver (described here) Installed MySQL Workbench Connected to the server using PuTTY Added tunnels to the SSH connection for port 3306 (MySQL) and port 5432 (PostgreSQL) so I can access both server daemons from remote in a secure way Setted up the ODBC connection in Windows (using PostgreSQL Unicode) Started the Migration Wizard in MySQL Workbench (described here) After data migration is completed, I changed the DB settings in /etc/otrs/database.pm Restarted Apache to apply changes Tried it - worked! Only problem at the moment is, that umlauts (üöäß) doesn't get correctly imported from mail.
OK, after more research I found this question. So this is what I did:
The Server is a Debian 7 server. I connected from Windows 7.
Only problem at the moment is, that umlauts (üöäß) doesn't get correctly imported from mail.