I signed up for a trial of Amazon EC2 and created a new instance with all the defaults. Upon first login the 30GB C: Drive only had 150 megs free. I went ahead and created a new volume and have a D drive, but when I tried to download some installation files in IE they won't even download to the D drive. It acts like it does, but then it says it's corrupt. I'm assuming because the C drive is full. By the way, it is full now. 0 bytes free.
So, what do I do? I don't want to get charged. Did I miss something?
update I created a new instance, during the storage part of the wizard, this message is prominently displayed:
Free tier eligible customers can get up to 30 GB of EBS General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic storage. Learn more about free usage tier eligibility and usage restrictions.
A default Windows instance based on modern AMI images is 30 GB. This is smaller than the old default of 35 GB. Under the free-tier, you can get 30 GB of EBS volume space each month. But you can have more EBS volume space if you want; you'll just pay for any extra.
Once the volume is full, the volume cannot be resized. However, there are 2 options that you can use to get more space available in your C: drive.
Option 1:
EBS volumes cannot be resized. However, you can simulate a resize of the volume.
Option 2:
Create an AMI image of your EC2 instance and launch a new EC2 instance giving your root volume more space.
if you're running MS windows, 30GB is clearly not enough. Windows folder after updates goes to 25GB by itself.
You should recreate your machine with a larger disk.
For downloading, depending what you're using to download, you should probably be able to change the default destiation of download.
But since you're C: is full, it's a useless system.
You can try to use the cleanup tool of windows to free some space, but it won't be enough or painful to use.
This is an old question but I came across the same problem recently and found that you can extend the storage for an EC2 machine. Use the Management Console to give yourself more disk space and then extend the Windows volume from within your virtual machine. Instructions are at https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/expand-ebs-root-volume-windows/