The original question is from May 2009, but since May 2011 the Linux kernel has had a feature to address this need called ipset.
Here is an example creating an ipset, adding addresses to it, and then using it in a firewall rule:
ipset -N office365 iphash
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
ipset -A office365
iptables -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set office365 dst -j ACCEPT
you can use the iprange module in combination with '--src-range' like for e.x.:
-A INPUT -i eth0 -m iprange --src-range -j ACCEPT
Source: iptables 1.4.7 man page
This matches on a given arbitrary range of IP addresses.
[!] --src-range from[-to]
Match source IP in the specified range.
[!] --dst-range from[-to]
Match destination IP in the specified range.
(i know this is like a 4 year old question, but just to answer for anyone who seeks this on the net)
If you cannot find a common netmask that covers the IP's you want, you'll have to write several identical rules to do what you want.
There are several iptables frameworks around which can deal with the low level of writing the iptables rules, allowing you to define your rules at a more symolic level. Shorewall is a common one that ships with most current linux distributions.
In addition to the comment of Bòss King, you can also simply specify several addresses seperated with a comma:
[!] -s, --source address[/mask][,...]
Source specification. Address can be either a network name, a hostname, a network IP address (with /mask), or a plain IP address. Hostnames will be resolved once only, before the rule is submitted to the kernel. Please note that specifying
any name to be resolved with a remote query such as DNS is a really bad idea. The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1's at the left side of the network mask. Thus, a mask of 24 is equivalent to A "!" argument before the address specification inverts the sense of the address. The flag --src is an alias for this option. Multiple addresses can be specified, but this will expand to multiple rules (when adding with -A),
or will cause multiple rules to be deleted (with -D).
You can define multiple chains such that you can combine independent lists of requirements. I doubt this is exactly what you want, but it's still pretty handy. We use this to define lists of valid user-types by IP, and then apply port restrictions to the source networks. So, for instance:
# Allow SMTP from anywhere
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s 0/0 --dport 25 -j allowed
# Define the set of IP ranges we'll send to the tcp_user_inbound chain
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
-A tcp_inbound -p tcp -m tcp -s -j tcp_user_inbound
# Ports we allow access to based on a source-address prereq.
-A tcp_user_inbound -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j allowed
-A tcp_user_inbound -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5950:5958 -j allowed
# https
-A tcp_user_inbound -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j allowed
Let's say for example that you only want to accept SMTP packets that come from or You can user the following rules:
# create a new chain
iptables --new-chain multiple_sources_smtp
# send all SMTP connections to the new chain
iptables --append INPUT --protocol tcp --dport 25 --jump multiple_sources_smtp
# use the default INPUT rules for packets coming from allowed sources
iptables --append multiple_sources_smtp --source --jump RETURN
iptables --append multiple_sources_smtp --source --jump RETURN
# drop packets from anywhere else
iptables --append multiple_sources_smtp -j DROP
Or as the output of iptables-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.14 on Sat Dec 6 09:17:11 2014
:INPUT ACCEPT [32:13325]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [25:3084]
:multiple_sources_smtp - [0:0]
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j multiple_sources_smtp
-A multiple_sources_smtp -s -j RETURN
-A multiple_sources_smtp -s -j RETURN
-A multiple_sources_smtp -j DROP
# Completed on Sat Dec 6 09:17:11 2014
To add multiple sources in a single command I would do this:
iptables will automatically translate it into multiple rules.
The original question is from May 2009, but since May 2011 the Linux kernel has had a feature to address this need called ipset.
Here is an example creating an ipset, adding addresses to it, and then using it in a firewall rule:
man iptables
andman ipset
for more can use the iprange module in combination with '--src-range' like for e.x.:
Source: iptables 1.4.7 man page
(i know this is like a 4 year old question, but just to answer for anyone who seeks this on the net)
This is only possible if you can aggregate the source IP's you want into a contiguous range. eg
If you cannot find a common netmask that covers the IP's you want, you'll have to write several identical rules to do what you want.
There are several iptables frameworks around which can deal with the low level of writing the iptables rules, allowing you to define your rules at a more symolic level. Shorewall is a common one that ships with most current linux distributions.
In addition to the comment of Bòss King, you can also simply specify several addresses seperated with a comma:
You can define multiple chains such that you can combine independent lists of requirements. I doubt this is exactly what you want, but it's still pretty handy. We use this to define lists of valid user-types by IP, and then apply port restrictions to the source networks. So, for instance:
Let's say for example that you only want to accept SMTP packets that come from or You can user the following rules:
Or as the output of