My understanding is that as of Xenserver 6.5 and earlier versions, you can only have 7 virtual network adapters per VM. Is there any known (probably unsupported) way around this limitation?
My use case is that we are setting up a NIDS, and instead of spinning up another VM for the rest of our VLANs, I would like to add another couple of adapters to the existing one, though this would put us at 9 necessary VLANs that this VM needs to access.
Every template in XenServer has a "hint" about max number of VIFs. This only restricts XenCenter GUI, and you can easily add more NICs from command line. See
xe help vif-create
.You can also change a template. Templates are internally tar files, so they can be accessed easily. Look for allowed-VIF-devices parameter in XML file.