I have a VM created from Vagrant centos/7
I'm trying to install docker, but it doesn't work. I tried with a SaltStack minion and just vagrant ssh
and sudo yum install
. But it tells me that it can't find these dependencies:
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: docker-engine-1.9.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64 (docker_repo)
Requires: libcgroup
Error: Package: docker-engine-selinux-1.9.1-1.el7.centos.noarch (docker_repo)
Requires: policycoreutils-python
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
I don't think either of the suggested solutions will do what I need. I've Googled around but all I get are links to rpmfind or rpmbone and sure, they may provide an rpm I could download but I'm pretty sure these should be in a repository somewhere.
yum repolist
gives me this:
repo id repo name status
docker_repo Docker Repository 14
*epel/x86_64 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 8,842
extras/7/x86_64 CentOS-7 - Extras 278
repo-saltstack-el7 SaltStack EL7 Repo 92
updates/7/x86_64 CentOS-7 - Updates 1,726
repolist: 10,952
It should be in centos base repository (not updates repository). You probably disabled it. Look at /etc/yum.repos.d/* and set
If you cannot find it, this is probably what you need (if you use stock hardware):