I have configured ntp on Ceph nodes and time is synchronized! But ceph status always shows clock skew.
ceph health detail shows:
mon.node2 aadr clock skew 7192.45s > max 0.05s (latency 0.0129368s)
mon.node3 aadr clock skew 7192.46s > max 0.05s (latency 0.00915873s)
How to force Ceph to update status? All time on nodes are equal! If I execute date command on all nodes then it shows correct and same time. But Ceph thinks that time is skewed on 7192.45s!
It is my configuration on nodes /etc/ntp.conf:
driftfile /vat/lib/ntp/drift
restrict mask
server 0.ua.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 1.ua.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 2.ua.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 3.ua.pool.ntp.org iburst
includefile /etc/ntp/crypto/pw
keys /etc/ntp/keys
disable monitor
It is my /etc/rc.local on nodes:
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
/sbin/ntpd -gq
/sbin/hwclock --systohc
systemctl enable ntpd.service
systemctl start ntpd.service
systemctl status ntpd.service shows that service is active and running.
In addition some strange things happens with ceph if I put peers in /etc/ntp.conf. Ceph becomes unresponsible and ceph -s shows nothing (it freezes).
Please, help me.
I don't know why but it have happened because of command in
. This command updates your datatime from servers which you have written in ntp.conf and then stops.I can't figure out why ceph fails after this command but when I changed it to:
Ceph became work.