I am setting up AD in an isolated network so that I can enjoy the benefits of Microsoft's Hyper-V replication/High-availabilty/clustering/etc.
This network does not have a default gateway and all IP addresses are statically assigned. Servers are 2012 R2.
A domain-joined machine identifies the network connection as 'Unidentified'
I do NOT want to manually override the firewall config to treat 'Unidentified' networks as 'Private'
I do NOT want to manually assign connection-specific DNS Suffixes to the interfaces.
I DO want domain-joined machines to identify the network as 'Domain'
I have read that "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\History\NetworkName” is used to identify the network 'Location', but as I am not using DHCP and i do not want to manually configure connection-specific DNS suffixes, this key is blank.
As a test step, i tried to manually set the default gateway of the domain joined computer to the IP address of the PDC, (previously blank) and NLA immediately identified that I was on the domain network. This 'works', but is a bit of a hack.. as the PDC is NOT the Default Gateway, and would NOT be the default gateway if I were to add one later to de-isaloate the network.
As another test step, i manually set the default gateway of the domain-joined computer to an un-used IP address in the same subnet (the IP i would use if i had a router/default gateway). After a reboot the domain-joined computer still did not identify the network as 'domain'
How can i get the domain-joined machine to identify the network as 'Domain', without DHCP, without connection-specific DNS suffixes, and without default gateways?
Is there another way? DNS configuration?
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