We are running nginx/1.9.10 as a frontend server with multiple application server as upstream. We are using plain http, mostly https and switched to http/2 in the last weak.
We are logging like this:
log_format custom '$host $server_port $request_time '
'$upstream_response_time $remote_addr '
'"$http2" $upstream_addr $time_iso8601 '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
We suddenly see a larger difference between $request_time and $upstream_response_time . A difference here is quite natural as the $request_time depends on the users network while the upstream_response_time does not.
So usually you should not care too much about $request_time as long as $upstream_response_time is stable.
But I still wanted to check what is happening because it strted to getting worse with http/2 So I compared average response times for https/1.1 and https/2.0
First I cecked all http/1.1 request and calculated average response_time and average upstream_time:
grep ' 443 ' access.log|grep 'HTTP/1.1'|\
cut -d ' ' -f 3,4 | awk '{r+=$1; u+=$2} END {print r/NR; print u/NR}'
0.0139158 # average response time for https/1.1
0.00691421 # average upstream time for https/1.1
Now I did the same with https/2.0:
grep ' 443 ' access.log|grep 'HTTP/2.0'| \
cut -d ' ' -f 3,4 | awk '{r+=$1; u+=$2} END {print r/NR; print u/NR}'
0.0828755 # average response time for https/1.1
0.00606643 # average upstream time for https/2.0
As you see the upstream time is nearly identical but the request time is slower for http/2 by factor 7! Wow! Isn't http/2 expected to be faster?
Now I checked all request which have a huge difference between these two values and nearly all of the top 500 has been a status code of 302
grep ' 443 ' access.log | grep 'HTTP/1.1' | \
awk '{ if ( $3 != $4 && $4 != "-" ) { \
gsub(/\./,"",$3);gsub(/\./,"",$4); \
print $3-$4,$4,$6,$9,$11,$12 }}' | \
sort -n | tail -n 10000 | grep 'POST HTTP/1.1" 302' | wc -l
# of 10000 (or 90%) request ordered by difference between
# response and request time have status code 302
So 90% of all requests with the highest difference between response and upstream time are status code 302. This is strange
On http/2 it is even worse:
grep ' 443 ' access.log | grep 'HTTP/2.0' | \
awk '{ if ( $3 != $4 && $4 != "-" ) { \
gsub(/\./,"",$3);gsub(/\./,"",$4); \
print $3-$4,$4,$6,$9,$11,$12 }}' | \
sort -n | tail -n 10000 | grep 'POST HTTP/2.0" 302' | wc -l
# of 10000 (or 98%) request ordered by difference between
# response and request time have status code 302
So here are 98% of these request are 302 status.
Why does http/2 appear to be slower than http/1.1? Why are so many 302 status codes involved in requests were upstream and response time differ extremly (in HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0)?
I liked the quest very much, and I analyzed it.
I took these resources mostly: [https://www.nginx.com/blog/nginx-1-9-5/ ] [https://www.nginx.com/blog/http2-module-nginx/ ] [https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-http2/ ] [https://http2.github.io/faq/ ] and this PDF
You probable downloaded nginx/1.9.10 from Nginx.org http://nginx.org/en/download.html. Please confirm. Have you built it from source? Have you tried the nginx/1.9.12?
As you may see in CloudFlare article when measured
Average Page Load time
HTTP/2 is clearly the winner (at least for their web site).However, when tracking average response time, please check out the second article from Nginx.org I set as a reference where it reads:
The other problems may be related to your nginx setup, for instance inside the server block.