The server dir is mounted with a user, who definitely has "Write Attributes" permissions in Windows.
//server/shared /mnt/fs1 cifs noperm,rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,gid=java,file_mode=0774,dir_mode=0775,credentials=/localhome/securedir/fs1.credentials 0 0
The mounted files are directories are readable and writeable.
Changing timestamp of a file works:
> touch -t 01010101 /mnt/fs1/test.file
Changing timestamp of a directory results into "Permission denied":
> touch -t 01010101 /mnt/fs1/baselines
touch: setting times of `/mnt/fs1/baselines': Permission denied
Are there any other mounting options I have to apply? Thanks!
The most reasonable answer I got so far is that Windows does not have modification date attribute for directories. There is only a creation date.
This issue can be really confusing when trying to change the directory's modification date with e.g. method. Both under Linux and Windows this API works on local directories with predictable result. However, in one particular constellation, which is trying to set modification date of a mounted CIFS directory on a Linux machine, this API fails to change the date and returns false.