I am using proxmox 4.1.
If I add IP-addresses to my CentOS-7-LXC
I can only do that if this IP is from the same subnet. If I'm using another subnet with another gateway the container is not pingable anymore - I have to remove the IP from the other subnet and reboot the container after that.
The interfaces-configuration of the host node is:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address 84.xxx.xxx.x4
gateway 84.xxx.xxx.x1
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
A more detailed example:
with gateway 84.xxx.xx1.x1
-> everything is fine
if I add
with gateway 84.xxx.xx1.x1
-> everything is fine
if I add
with gateway 84.xxx.xx2.x1
-> all IPs of the container are not responding to incoming PING. Outgoing PING does not work, too.
The problem is not CentOS-related. A debian-lxc-template has the same problems.
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