GeekTantra Asked: 2016-05-13 09:52:08 +0800 CST2016-05-13 09:52:08 +0800 CST 2016-05-13 09:52:08 +0800 CST How can I easily setup a SMTP reverse proxy from EC2 to SES? 772 How can I easily setup a SMTP reverse proxy from EC2 to SES without revealing SES the original SMTP Client IP? smtp reverse-proxy amazon-web-services amazon-ses smtp-auth 1 Answers Voted Tim 2016-05-13T11:28:19+08:002016-05-13T11:28:19+08:00 You can use Nginx as an SMTP proxy server. Read the link, but it should look something like this worker_processes auto mail { server_name; http_auth localhost:9000/cgi-bin/nginxauth.cgi; proxy_pass_error_message on; ssl on; starttls on; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/server.key; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_timeout 10m; server { listen 25; protocol smtp; smtp_auth login plain cram-md5; } server { listen 110; protocol pop3; pop3_auth plain apop cram-md5; } server { listen 143; protocol imap; } }
You can use Nginx as an SMTP proxy server. Read the link, but it should look something like this