I have several crontabs defined in a pp file, e.g:
cron { 'puppet-cron1':
ensure => present,
command => "cat /etc/issue",
user => root,
minute => '*/30',
cron { 'puppet-cron2':
ensure => present,
command => "cat /etc/issue",
user => www-data,
minute => '*/30',
How do I list all cronjobs created by puppet on a system?
I tried puppet ressource cron
, which lists only the root cronjob:
cron { 'puppet-cron1':
ensure => 'present',
command => 'cat /etc/issue',
minute => ['*/30'],
target => 'root',
user => 'root',
You can use the
puppet resource
command on the system in question, like this:This should show you all
resources Puppet manages on that system.