My website constantly has several users online all the time. The server uses Apache/PHP, database and Memcached. On normal use, the application works well and fast.
However, the server appears to sometimes have "SYN flooding" attacks. I really believe/suspect these are intentional and not caused by our legit users. (as they appear to happen when there are some individuals that register new accounts and try to cause trouble)
Jun 27 22:12:21 xxxx kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] possible SYN flooding on port 443. Sending cookies. Jun 27 22:13:22 xxxx kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] possible SYN flooding on port 443. Sending cookies. Jun 27 22:14:25 xxxx kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] possible SYN flooding on port 443. Sending cookies.
Unfortunately, when that happens, my whole traffic is affected:
[Mon Jun 27 22:15:28.842067 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid 12022:tid 132875292207712] AH00485: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers
My MaxRequestWorkers is 600. I have increased it a few times in the past.
Recently I also have increased net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog
and ListenBackLog
to 5000.
My server has 16GB RAM and 1 Gbps bandwidth.
I am not really happy that there appears to be someone that can easily control whether my website is alive or not.
What can one do to stop this?
Also, netstat
seems to give me the IPs connected to the server right now.
Is it possible to get the top IPs at a given time in the past?
Check SynCookies
and enable (set to 1) it if disabled. It help legit users keep working.
Also You can try set lover /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_synack_retries
Synflood usually use spoofed random source IPs, so it can't be filtered based on source IP.
As long as Your service is public, anyone can easily check it liveliness
You can buy professional DDOS protection service. It use huge regional desributed cluster, geolocation aware DNS, corelation, ISP cooperation and more. It redirect clean user traffic to Your service on IP unknown to public (and hackers). But it can cost a lot, and can depends on power needed to survive and mitigate attack.