According to this documentation it should be possible to add a travis badge to an ansible role in galaxy:
Push the changes to your GitHub repo. This will kick-off a Travis build. When the build completes, Travis will notify Galaxy, and your role will be automatically imported into Galaxy with a Travis badge
Although the steps were followed:
- .travis.yml added to repo that contains the notification part
- access token from travis profile added to ansible galaxy
- role imported manually as it was not pushed automatically
the badge does not appear.
The build itself does not show the notification. Other roles that have a travis badge do not show this notification either.
- What is causing the issue?
- Why does travis not say anything regarding the notification part?
- How to debug it?
It looks like your repository is structured correctly, and Travis builds are operating correctly. One thing to check: in Ansible Galaxy's settings, make sure you have added your Travis token to the role in Ansible Galaxy (instructions).
I'm guessing you've done this, but it never hurts to ask!
Two other suggestions:
... maybe it's a bug in the code that grabs the role—strings that begin with numbers can be interpreted in funny ways in languages like Python!). Consider posting a bug report to the ansible-galaxy issues repository on GitHub.