When deploying a template through Azure Portal, i.e. by following the link:
https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2F{template name}%2Fazuredeploy.json
All deployments created this wah are named Microsoft.Template (and subsequent ones Microsoft.Template_1, Microsoft.Template_2, etc.) in the Deployments section of the portal:
Is it possible to customize the name (either by modifying the template, or provide a different name when deploying)?
Guessing, I tried adding name
at the root level of the azuredeploy.json
, but it gets refused with a wrong syntax message.
I do not think this is possible from the Portal. I tested modifying the URL in the portal, and also after validation.
If you modify the URL the portal redirects to the Marketplace.
After the template was validated, I could modify the URL to https://portal.azure.com/#create/test and the deployment still gets created as Microsoft.Template
The Template itself also does not impact the deployment name. If you need to change the deployment name you may need to deploy from PowerShell or API
This is not possible today. If a deployment is in progress, we increment the count to Microsoft.Template_n. If a deployment has completed, we reuse the Microsoft.Template deployment name. (Source: I am the developer who built the template deployment experience in the portal)
I can easily make a change to use the {template name} you highlighted in the link as the deployment name. Or if you prefer @techraf's idea of supplying the name via parameters post a feedback request here https://feedback.azure.com/forums/223579-azure-portal and we will prioritize against other requests.