I am following the guide "Life with Qmail Life With Qmail
When I try to execute the qmailctl command, I get the following:
root@mail:~# qmailctl start
Starting qmail
qmail-send supervise not running
qmail-smtpd supervise not running
svok: fatal: unable to chdir to /service/qmail-pop3d: file does not exist
qmail-pop3d supervise not running
root@mail:~# qmailctl stop
Stopping qmail...
svc: warning: unable to chdir to /service/qmail-pop3d: file does not exist
svc: warning: unable to chdir to /service/qmail-pop3d/log: file does not exist
Here is my /service/directory :
root@mail:~# ls -l /service/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Nov 27 09:49 qmail-pop3d -> /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Nov 27 09:22 qmail-send -> /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Nov 27 09:22 qmail-smtpd -> /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd
I have found a few links on Gossamer Threads and LinuxQuestions.
I tried a few things, but to no avail.
I tried the command svscanboot, but it hangs.
then I tried kill -HUP 1
I tried to find the svscan process to kill it to no avail.
can only post 2 links. I tried this that I found on linuxquetions.org when you google the specific error, these two links will be close to the top
I tried # svscanboot & , but still nothing. Then I rebooted to the same issue.
what am I missing?
I dumped the debian droplet at DO, and loaded Centos 7.2 Maybe it will help someone in the future. There were a few threads about this issue, posted around the internet. I gave up on the "Life With Qmail" plan and reinstalled Qmail using Qmail Toaster for Centos. Took about 45 minutes.This toaster re-installed a fresh copy of the scripts, which are now working.