I am running a website in IIS and am also running another piece of software which streams media over port 1935 on the same server. The streaming software also has the capability of delivering content over port 443. I have assigned an SSL certificate to it, but it can't bind to port 443 on the IP address it uses as it is being taken by IIS.
I am not able to use the 'netsh' command to explicity bind the IP address being used by the website, because I also need to binding for the streaming application's IP address in IIS so that content can be deliverd over port 80.
Is there a way of being able to stop IIS listing on port 443 for a specific IP address, whilst still allowing it to listen on port 80 for the same IP?
You can configure it in bingings for you site:
in ip-adreess field end edit it to turn off the binding to the ip-address that you want to release.By default, IIS binds to all IP addresses even when you specify an IP Address in the Site's Binding.
What you need is runing following command in an elevated command prompt.
where www.xxx.yyy.zzz is the IP Address you want IIS to bind to. Run the command multiple times if you want IIS to bind to additional IP Address.