I'm looking for a way to configure all of Windows clients in Active Directory domain so that they print all documents in duplex mode.
Serverfault has been similar questions:
- In my case, a lot of different printers (about 1000 at one site) and more customers.
- Not all printers connected via Print Servers (in some cases directly connected printers)
- Print job rendering always done on the client computers (otherwise will be long delays when printing)
What is tried:
- Сhanging the default print settings in the print server had no impact on the print settings from workstations where the printer has already been connected.
I didn't tested it, but on Windows 8 and above you could create and push a powershell script that would look like that:
On Windows 7 Get-Printer is not defined, but you could bypass the problem with running a line like that in powershell to replace get-printer: