So this could also fit @InformationSecurity as some concerns are related to security. We are building the website for our gameserver hosting project and we would like to be as transparent as possible with our customers. One of the ways of doing this would be by sharing real time graphs of resources such as RAM and bandwith usage, and CPU load on the site.
- Security related question: Would it be risky sharing this kind of information?
We are currently monitoring all of our resources with Zabbix which allows user access as guest to the platform and that user can be, in some way, chrooted so he can not see more than we want to, he can not change anything and so on. This way (loging into zabbix panel and finding where the screens are) seems a bit unhealthy for the user experience in my opinion so having a screen showing on our site would be much better.
- Server related question: Does Zabbix supports this? (so far I couldn't find any info even talking about it)
Concentrating on the Zabbix side - I'd suggest not to expose Zabbix interface to the internet. As for sharing a few select graphs, there is no built-in solution in Zabbix, but a common approach is to wget graph images (you can specify timeframe and width among other parameters) which are just PNGs - then place those anywhere you would like to.