I succesfully setup a HA SOFS storage cluster using Starwind on two nodes. Now I want to setup the HyperV failover part and need some input on how to implement this.
Do I need to add the two HyperV nodes in the storage cluster or do I need to create a seperate cluster for this?
If I need to add a seperate cluster, do I need two nics per server?
I would create one Failover Cluster for all four nodes and place a two SOFS or CSV nodes mirrored by Starwind, depends on your needs. Here is the step-by-step guide on how to implement two nodes https://www.starwindsoftware.com/starwind-virtual-san-hyper-converged-2-nodes-scenario-2-nodes-with-hyper-v-cluster
AFAIR, they have something like help me to configure the system even before purchasing, but it would be better to ask their engineers.
If you want to create Highly available virtual machines then the Hyper-v host servers need to be part of a Failover Cluster. They do not need to be part of the Storage Cluster but they do need:
1) Access to the same shared storage for example a Scaled out file Server (SOFS) or a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV)
2) Be part of the same failover cluster.
so in your example you could keep you SOFS storage cluster and then create a 2 node failover cluster with your two Hyper-V Hosts. scaling out this way will make it easier to scale the two tiers in the future.
This video on Channel 9 talks about hyper-V failover clustering:
Windows Server 2016 has introduced a Hyper Converged model which might not be relevant for you Server 2012 deployment but does make for an interesting read: