I have fail2ban running on a centos 6.8 server; all's well. I've written a simple filter to watch for script kiddies, such as:
failregex = <HOST> .*GET \/admin/config.php
<HOST> .*GET \/blog\/
<HOST> .*GET \/backup.sql.gz
<HOST> .*GET \/backup.sql.bz2
This works fine, and produces messages in /var/log/fail2ban.log like:
2017-04-19 11:12:40,333 fail2ban.filter [7181]: INFO [poison-attempts] Found 156.205.xxx.xxx
2017-04-19 11:12:40,900 fail2ban.actions [7181]: NOTICE [poison-attempts] Ban 156.205.xxx.xxx
So: Is it possible to change those log messages so that they include the pattern that caused the rule to fire? Perhaps something like:
2017-04-19 11:12:40,333 fail2ban.filter [7181]: INFO [poison-attempts] Found 156.205.xxx.xxx requesting /backup.sql.gz
or something similar? Not a big deal, but it'd be kinda nice. Thanks!
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