I couldn't figure out exactly how to word this in my searching; if someone could tell me what this is called and point me to a resource I would greatly appreciate it.
TL;DR: For a CentOS installation, I want users to be able to watch the %post section of the kickstart file operate on the physical screen so it can be monitored. A person will hit enter on a keyboard to kick off an installation, and the same person will watch the install work on a monitor in front of them. I want them to see what it's doing.
My understanding of the structure is this:
The CentOS installation reads a kickstart file.
The %pre section of the kickstart runs in the "root" context of the installer live image.
The %post section runs in the "root" context of the installing system, allowing me to perform things like "yum -y update" etc to affect the installed system.
In a normal environment, I know I can redirect the output of a command to a terminal with:
cat "file.txt" > /dev/tty3
The problem is that this command redirects output to the chroot jail's version of /dev/tty3, which does not show on the install screen. I want it to output directly to the "parent" installation's screen, so if it somehow recognized the parent directory, it would be something like
cat "file.txt" > ../../../dev/tty3
Or something.
Can anyone help?
It turns out I'm actually just a moron. Terminal redirection in %post works just fine; although I don't understand why.
Here is the relevant section of my kickstart; the problem was that I was redirecting output of each command with ">>" and forgot that it does not display to screen; you need to use "|tee -a" for that. I was so caught up in terminal redirection logic that I missed the obvious error.
The following works in a CentOS 7.3 kickstart file for doing what I wanted: