I am using this power-shell script to send emails. My problem is with the $body variable. I don't want to attach the log file in the email, I want the contents of the log file to be in the body of the email.
Write-Host "Setting Variables" -ForegroundColor Green
$user = "username"
$pass = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\pass.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString
$cred = New-Object -Typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $user,$pass
$from = "[email protected]"
$to = "[email protected]"
$subject = "Email Subject"
$body = Get-Content C:\backup\log.txt
$smtp = "smtp.gmail.com"
Write-Host "Sending Email" -ForegroundColor Green
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject $subject -Body $body -SmtpServer $smtp -Port 587 -UseSsl -Credential $cred
When I run the script I get a message saying:
Send-MailMessage : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.String' required by parameter 'Body'. Specified method is not
How can I read the contents of the log file and put it in the body of the email?
this solved it