I have a WSUS 3.0 SP2 environment, using Server-side trageting, but some clients are getting a registry entry for TargetGroup, as if they were managed using Client-side targeting. Interestingly the TargetGroup name is not even vaguely valid - is a seemingly random string, over 255 char long, and so fails without attempting to connect to anything. I have never used Client-side targeting.
Have searched the GPO's applying to these targets, and manually deleted the TargetGroup entry to see if the GPO would re-populate it, but it remains blank. Sometime in the next 30 days or so (when i go to test patches again), the clients stop responding, and the registry entries have changed again.
Note is only some clients, but seems to be the same ones each time.
Any clues would be appreciated, Justin
Never did get to the bottom of this. The units that were incurring the issue have since been re-imaged, and I was careful to manually remove them from WSUS before re-creating PC's with the same computer name. Both have since re-joined the WSUS host without incident - Justin.