I have the objectSid attribute as returned by the ldapsearch command, how can I generate SID from it in human readable format?
ldapsearch command:
ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://dc.example.com:389 -b dc=example,dc=lk -D example\administrator -w adminPassword "(sAMAccountName=bob)" | grep -i "objectSid::" | cut -d ":" -f3 | xargs
This command returns objectSid of the AD user "bob". Let's say it returned objectSid as:
I want to generate its SID in the following format:
Is it possible to do this in Linux?
Finally I managed to construct SID from the ObjectSid. Here's the complete shell script if anyone interested.
First you can restrict the answer set an ldapsearch query returns by including the attributes you want after the filter, that should be a fair bit quicker when you aim for more than one result.
Second when an attribute is separated from its value by a double colon
that is an indication that the value is base64 encoded. ldapsearch is not schema aware, it doesn't know if such a base64 encoded attributed is an unicode text string that could be displayed as text in a unicode capable terminal or for instance jpegPhoto or something other data that can't easily be displayed in a terminal and will not decode such values for you.should do the trick. AFAIK
should be in the coreutils package.The problem is that the objectSid after base64 decoding is still a binary value that needs further conversion to before you can display that in the conventional security identifier format of
.You'll need to write a conversion routine in your scripting/programming language of choice, as for instance others have already done for instance in perl or php.
This worked for me:
perl -MNet::LDAP::SID -E 'my $binary=qx(echo AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAPWW1S5rojK4mDAiG5BAAAA== | base64 --decode); my $sid = Net::LDAP::SID->new($binary); say $sid->as_string'
Could be done in perl only, but as an example is sufficient I guess.
There are a couple of minor issues in the script given in YasithaB's answer to his own question:
It uses ${G[28]}, which treats one of the IDs as being 5 bytes long. I think this is wrong, and the SID is typically only 28 bytes of binary, numbered 0-27
It assumes the SID has 5 sub-ids, when it could/should use ${G[1]} to find the number of IDs.
The end bit seems very complicated - creating $LE_SID_HEX, then chopping it back up again and converting to decimal. A one liner of:
printf "S-1-%u-%u-%u-%u-%u-%u\n" $(( 16#$LESA1 )) $(( 16#$LESA2 )) $(( 16#$LESA3 )) $(( 16#$LESA4 )) $(( 16#$LESA5 )) $(( 16#$LERID ))
Will give the same result as the last 12 lines of the script.