I am targetting to make certain domain joined PCs into thin clients by customer order, I want these PCs to not store local profiles for users that would log in to them. Instead, they would use the default user profile, will not be able to save a thing into "My Documents" but will be able to launch a set of predefined apps that also dump temporary files to AppData folder. I'm searching for a group policy solution to disable creating the actual profile for a logged in user, so that those temporary files would not get stored permanently.
What settings should I enable/disable in group policy so that user profiles will not be created on the system? A temporary profile is fine, as long as it gets deleted once a user logs off.
Have you considered using Mandatory user profiles? Mandatory user profiles causes profiles to be read only so that accounts using them cant save info to the Client.
Add the user you want in the local Guest group. The PC will create a temporary profile and erase it at logoff for member of that group. its by design