I've been working with Get-Printer and I ran into a situation where the server returns two instances of every print device. One is called "Print" and the other is "Print3D". I can't find any information about this online and I'm wondering what this device type is supposed to be used for.
Bonus: How do you turn this off and what impact does it have on printing?
Running Windows Server 2008 R2
I asked Microsoft about this and I'm told it's a feature of Windows 10. As for why a regular printer shows as a 3D printer, still unknown. Could be a bug in the get-printer cmdlet.
Model and print 3D objects - https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/4003696/windows-10-model-and-print-3d-objects
3D printing partners - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/3d-print/printing-partners
A possible explanation: you logged on via RDP to this server from a Windows 10 computer and didn't turn off the option to connect local printers; as a result, print drivers from the client got installed on the server.
I had the same question recently. I used below code
I hope it helps