I have the following sensu check defined in puppet
sensu::check { 'check_kubernetes_kubelet':
interval => 60,
timeout => 30,
command => 'check_http -H :::name::: -p 10248 -u /healthz -e "200 OK"',
subscribers => ['kubernetes_minion'],
contacts => ['sensu_high'],
I want to add command retry to this check. This check should start alerting to its contacts only after N consecutive command executions return error.
In this example, say N is 2. Say a failure happens right after check_X. Then 60 seconds later check_X+1 will return error. After another 60 seconds check_X+2 will also fail. I want the alerting to start after check_X+2's error.
I think sensu filters may be useful. It looks like I need to create a filter like here. But then how do I associate that filter with this check? Do I need to define a custom handler too ?
You have to use handlers. When your check triggers and event, this gets to the handler or handlers you have defined for it (search for "handler" in checks). Then, each handler can have one or more filters associated.
From the doc:
Occurences is what you need to use.
occurrences => 2,