My documentroot is a symlink. When puppet agent runs, the symlink gets removed. Any ideas?
My code:
ssl: true
port: 443
ssl_key: '/etc/apache2/ssl/'
ssl_cert: '/etc/apache2/ssl//'
ssl_cipher: 'HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES'
ssl_protocol: 'all -SSLv2 -SSLv3'
priority: '25'
serveradmin: '[email protected]'
servername: ''
- ''
manage_docroot: false
docroot: '/var/www/mydomain2-web-usr/htdocs'
directoryindex: 'index.html index.htm index.php'
error_log_file: 'qsu.mydomain2.de_ssl_error.log'
access_log_file: 'qsu.mydomain2.de_ssl_access.log'
suexec_user_group: 'mydomain2-web-usr mydomain2-web-usr'
- scriptalias: /cgi-bin/
path: /var/www/mydomain2-web-usr/cgi-bin/
- 'TYPO3_CONTEXT Production'
- path: '/var/www/mydomain2-web-usr/htdocs'
allow_override: ['all']
order: 'Allow,Deny'
options: ['+FollowSymLinks', '-Indexes']
custom_fragment: |
<Files ~ (\\.php)>
SetHandler fcgid-script
FCGIWrapper /var/www/.conf/fcgid/mydomain2-web-usr/fcgid .php
Options +ExecCGI
allow from all
This is a known issue when manage_docroots is set to false. It seems like the symlink will always be removed until this bug is fixed. There is an open ticket in puppetlabs