To verify my domain, someone at Google requested me to create a CNAME with this:
Create the following CNAME record through your domain hosting provider:
Label/Host: deleteGAPPSnotBefore20171127utc
Time to live (TTL): 3600
After creating it, I got this reply:
Unfortunately, we won´t be able to proceed with the process with the record reflecting as an alias. Please coordinate with your domain host and ask assistance in adding the provided record values as a CNAME record.
As much as I would love to accept the record you created as a proof of your domain ownership, our security policy requires us that the values be reflected in the proper record type.
Now, the definition itself says that CNAME is a type of record used to specify that a domain name is an alias for another domain.
The question is, what are these people from Google expecting me to do? How do I create a non-alias CNAME if a CNAME record is an alias by definition? There's no drop down box to select the CNAME type in Coudflare (and I guess in any other DNS panel for the matter).
This makes no sense, but I can't reply this to the Google support guy as they'll always stand their ground.
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