When I look at the docker_gwbridge
, I see that all containers on that host are members of the bridge.
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
docker_gwbridge 8000.0242e581b3f5 no veth0987748
However, how can it be that a physical interface on the host is not a member of that bridge? The documentation describes this network as the egress bridge for traffic leaving a Docker swarm cluster. That is, traffic which most likely will leave the host. What mechanism is ensuring that packets entering the docker_gwbridge
(from any given container) eventually leaves the host on a physical interface when no physical interface takes part in the bridge?
The mechanism used by Docker is iptables. Iptables rules are added by Docker so packets from the docker_gwbridge are forwarded and then natted (masquerade) when traffic is sent to the outside world.
Here's an excerpt from the output of the
docker network inspect docker_gwbridge
You can see that the docker uses the network and that com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade is set to true.
Docker creates the following rules:
So although no physical interfaces are attached to the bridge, traffic in that bridge is allowed to be routed/forwarded and as it is set to be natted (masquerade) that traffic will be put on the physical interface associated with the nat address.