I assume this would be easy. However i cannot get powercli latest to mount a cd with an iso and boot from the ISO to install the OS(windows).
$NewVMParams = @{
'VMHost' = 'MyESX1'
'Name' = 'TestMount_Auto'
'Datastore' = 'VMFSLun01'
'DiskGB' = 20
'DiskStorageFormat' = 'Thin'
'MemoryGB' = 4
'GuestId' = 'windows8Server64Guest'
'Version' = 'v10'
'NumCpu' = 2
'Notes' = 'Mike Dopp is breaking things'
$VM = New-VM @NewVMParams
$NewCDDriveParams = @{
'VM' = $VM
'IsoPath' = '[VMFSLUN01] ISO\SW_DVD5_Windows_Svr_Std_and_DataCtr_2012_R2_64Bit_English_Core_MLF_X19-05182.iso'
'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'
'StartConnected' = $True
New-CDDrive @NewCDDriveParams
Start-VM -VM $VM
Get-CDDrive -VM $VM | Set-CDDrive -connected 1
I typically get this error:
Set-CDDrive : 1/9/2018 11:19:53 AM Set-CDDrive The operation for the entity "TestMount_Auto" failed with the following message: "Connection control operation failed for disk 'ide0:0' (201).". Connection
control operation failed for disk 'ide0:0' (201).
At line:1 char:23
+ Get-CDDrive -VM $VM | Set-CDDrive -connected 1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-CDDrive], GenericVmConfigFault
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_TaskServiceImpl_CheckServerSideTaskUpdates_OperationFailed,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.VirtualDevice.SetCDDrive
Ideas? i am stumped at the moment. thanks in advance.
***Update. Fixed the issue with Set-CDDrive -connected 1 there is no cdrom 1 it is 0 instead.
Also need to force the bios to wait 5 seconds to boot after repointing the ISo mount to the DataStore to get this to work. Still too manual.
***Update2 Found the issue.
$NewVMParams = @{
'VMHost' = 'YourVMHost'
'Name' = 'RickAstley'
'Datastore' = 'YourDataStoreLUN01'
'DiskGB' = 20
'DiskStorageFormat' = 'Thin'
'MemoryGB' = 4
'GuestId' = 'windows8Server64Guest'
'Version' = 'v10'
'NumCpu' = 2
'Notes' = 'Mike Dopp is breaking things'
$VM = New-VM @NewVMParams
$NewCDDriveParams = @{
'VM' = $VM
'IsoPath' = '[YourDataStoreLUN01] ISO\TOODAMNBIG.iso'
'StartConnected' = $true
New-CDDrive @NewCDDriveParams
Sleep 10s
Start-VM -VM $VM
found in the old code I was pointing to a long string name .ISO so I changed the name to: TOODAMNBIG.iso This allowed Vsphere time to find the name. So lower case .iso is what Vsphere wants passed to mount an iso to the cdrom. SOLVED!
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