I would like to use haproxy (1.7.5-2 2017/05/17, debian stretch stock) as a first line of defense against some possible attacks (e.g. SQL injection). The idea is that I create an acl in the frontend that detects unwanted patterns using regexps and then use an always-failing dummy backend in that case. Something like this:
acl sql_injection url_reg -i -f /etc/haproxy/sqlinject.patterns
use_backend bad_request if sql_injection
The problem is, that if the url is url-encoded, then e.g. foo.com/?select
foo from bar
would be transmitted as foo.com/?select%20
, which really needs a different regexp, and thus a matching regexp would bee unnecessarily broad. Hence come url_dec:
acl sql_injection url_reg,url_dec -i -f /etc/haproxy/sqlinject.patterns
However, this does not seems to work, as it does not seem to match anything. Even if I put .*
into the pattern file, I get no matches.
There is no syntactical error in the configuration, as haproxy -c
returns no warnings or errors. How could I match the urldecoded query string?
The variant suggested by @michael-sqlbot seems to be working:
Thus, the above seems to be a haproxy error, either in configuration verification or interpretation.