I am using Google Cloud Platform.
I know that we can list the Public IP Addresses used by instances using the gcloud command like explained in https://stackoverflow.com/q/27994033.
I also have found out how to get the Public IP Addresses used by load balancers with the help of this blog post.
However, I am nearly certain that those two lists do not represent the complete Public IP addresses I'm using.
What other the services that can hold Public IP addresses? And what command I can use to retrieve those lists?
Thank you for your consideration.
We don't have any specific command the list all the IP addresses associated with a project. You can open a feature request here about this feature.
You can list all the Static IP addresses used in your project, using this command here. There is also a command that provides IP address associated with the forwarding rules used in LoadBalancer. According to the Stackoverflow thread, below is a command that provides the external IPs for all the instances.