I am configuring Zabbix to check my IPs against several DNSBLs. My IPs are currently not blacklisted. My monitoring needs to be tested, to verify that it will alert properly if one of my IPs does become blacklisted. How can I obtain, for testing, a known bad IP, one that is on a DNSBL?
I've searched for published blacklists, but haven't found any. I'm guessing that publishing the lists would aid spammers, or have other bad side-effects.
Zabbix will call a Ruby script. That script will probably just shell out to rblcheck, since the lists it checks seem like a good start:
$ rblcheck not listed by sbl.spamhaus.org not listed by xbl.spamhaus.org not listed by pbl.spamhaus.org not listed by bl.spamcop.net not listed by psbl.surriel.com not listed by dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net
The DNSBLs that rblcheck uses is configurable. I can add or remove DNSBLs as needed, either permanently, or for testing.
You could use spamcop statistics to find an IP.
It give netblock in the /24
You can see here; https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=map;net=cmaxcnt;mask=65535;sort=spamcnt
From that page after you can click the SB link, and you will have directly some IP
An example; https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search=